Thrust Calculator

Analyse complex carbon emissions with the click of a button

Mobile calculator

Why companies love using Thrust Calculator

Since 2019 Thrust Carbon has led the transition from sustainability as a talking point to an actionable solution for the travel industry. We are here to stay, until the whole industry reaches net zero.

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Market Leading Calculations

Market Leading Calculations

Award-winning accuracy, audit secure, with global data going beyond just air.

Automated Reporting

Automated Reporting

We can activate your emissions reporting with the click of a button.

Beautiful Impact Reports

Beautiful Impact Reports

Our solutions include unlimited reporting, with a range of analysis and insights.

Globally Trusted Brand

Globally Trusted Brand

Operating globally, representing $52bn of travel, and some of the world’s most respected brands.

Our research & insights are leading the conversation

3 NY Times
10 Telegraph Logo White
7 euronews white
2 Reuters
8 Skift Logo white large
5 BTN Logo white
6 Business Green White Logo

Features for every need

Map point
More than just air

Calculate air, hotel, rail, car, excursions, and more. Made more accurate by location of emissions, vehicle types, and more.

Up to date calculations

Our models improve with every new client, academic report, and research published.

Excel upload
Excel upload

Don't want to enter 100,000 segments manually? Our excel upload works much better.

Node network
Offset with ease

Integrated offsetting, from high-quality projects, to enable you to reach carbon neutral.

Unlimited reports

Whole company, departments, individuals, you can hammer our calculator as much as you like.

Gdpr sec
GDPR & security

We hold no personal data whatsoever, and all your travel information is locked safely away.

People group
Employee engagement

Our reports are perfect for improving employee engagement with the environment, and enhancing culture.

Projection chart
See our methodology

Our calculations are quite complex, so we explain how we reach your impact number in each report.


Looking for additional features and benefits? Let's work together and get them built.

Our Latest News and Insights

Explore our impact, our insights, and industry expertise in reporting and reducing emissions.

Thrust Carbon is the First Company Assured to ISO Methodology in Travel

Methodology, Product Announcements, Press Release

Thrust Carbon is the First Company Assured to ISO Methodology in Travel

Thrust Carbon is the first ISO 14083 assured methodology in travel, giving customer confidence in the face of incoming climate regulations

Quick Intro to ISO 14083: The New Gold Standard for Transportation

Quick Intro to ISO 14083: The New Gold Standard for Transportation

Imagine a world where calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in transportation is clear, consistent, and comparable across the board. That's precisely what ISO 14083 aims to achieve.

The Advantage Travel Partnership and Thrust Carbon Forge New Sustainability Alliance

Press Release

The Advantage Travel Partnership and Thrust Carbon Forge New Sustainability Alliance

The two companies announced Thrust Carbon as an official sustainability partner for the benefit of Advantage members.

Lights, Camera, (Climate) Action! : Helping the Media & TV Industry Travel More Sustainably


Lights, Camera, (Climate) Action! : Helping the Media & TV Industry Travel More Sustainably

A film set can be a chaotic and crowded place, and when it’s time to literally get this show on the road, a lot of skilled professionals are needed to make sure the whole team (and their gear) is where they need to be when they need to be.

The Overlooked Emitter: How Airline Meals Add to a Traveler’s Carbon Emissions


The Overlooked Emitter: How Airline Meals Add to a Traveler’s Carbon Emissions

Air travel contributes 2.5% to global carbon emissions, with the lesser-known impact of airline meals also significant. Discover how Thrust Carbon is tackling this overlooked issue.

Practicing What We Preach: Thrust Carbon's Alpine Rail Adventures

Practicing What We Preach: Thrust Carbon's Alpine Rail Adventures

Within a month of each other, three intrepid colleagues journeyed across Europe, not by air, but by rail, to seek out the top skiing destinations. Learn how they traveled sustainably in style.

Navigating New Norms: The Crucial Role of Rebaselining in Sustainable Reporting

Education, Methodology

Navigating New Norms: The Crucial Role of Rebaselining in Sustainable Reporting

Explore the transformative power of rebaselining. We're unraveling how recalibrating your sustainability benchmarks aligns your GHG reporting with ongoing business changes and solidifies the credibility of your net-zero journey.

From the Sky to the Plate: Thrust Carbon Unveils Carbon Emissions Data for In-Flight Meals

Carbon, Methodology, Product Announcements, Press Release

From the Sky to the Plate: Thrust Carbon Unveils Carbon Emissions Data for In-Flight Meals

Thrust Carbon introduces the first-ever carbon emissions calculator for in-flight meals for business travelers, automating detailed emission reports based on meal types and travel class.

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