
Hosted by leading climate and travel experts from across the industry

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Expert Exchange: Matching Travel Methodologies with Climate Regulations

Expert Exchange: Matching Travel Methodologies with Climate Regulations

With all the incoming climate regulations, it begs the question: what methodology should I choose to ensure my travel program is compliant? Leading climate and travel experts Kit Aspen (Thrust Carbon), Delphine Millot (GBTA Foundation), and Benoit Gascoin (Partners Group), tried to answer this question.

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Expert Exchange: How Leading Travel Programs Implement Carbon Budgets

Expert Exchange: How Leading Travel Programs Implement Carbon Budgets

Carbon budgets are one of the most powerful tools for enabling grassroots emissions reductions while ensuring climate compliance. In this Expert Exchange, hear from trailblazers that use carbon budgets within their business, and learn from their insights on setting budgets, getting stakeholder buy-in, and ensuring on-going compliance.

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