Quick Intro to ISO 14083: The New Gold Standard for Transportation

Imagine a world where calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in transportation is clear, consistent, and comparable across the board. That's precisely what ISO 14083 aims to achieve.

Written by Cameron Kelly on 07 June, 2024

UPDATE: We have officially become the first company to be assured to ISO 14083 for travel! Read more about what that means from our founder, Kit Aspen.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had just one standard to reference for sustainability reporting? Imagine a world where calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in transportation is clear, consistent, and comparable across the board. That's precisely what ISO 14083 aims to achieve. This new standard is poised to become the guide by which all GHG emissions in the transportation sector are measured and reported, so getting familiar with it now will put you well ahead of the game. Let’s start at the beginning:

What is ISO 14083?

ISO 14083 is a comprehensive guideline that provides the necessary steps for effective data collection, calculation and reporting of GHG emissions in a global transport supply chain. This independently created and assurable standard provides comprehensive guidelines for measuring GHG emissions across various modes of transport and hubs. By adopting ISO 14083, the transportation sector can ensure uniformity in emissions calculations, making it easier to understand and compare data.

Why Will ISO 14083 Be the Preferred Standard for Auditors?

Here's the short version: The European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, is signaling that they will require all transport emissions to be calculated under ISO 14083. Initially targeting transport suppliers, this legislation embodies the EU's intention to unite around a single international standard. So, if transportation within the EU is part of your business, embracing ISO 14083 is a smart move to stay ahead of regulatory changes and auditor preferences.

Why is ISO 14083 Important for Your Business?

In 2022, the European Parliament passed the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), mandating large EU, and even some non-EU businesses to report on their carbon emissions. If you adopt the ISO 14083 standard now, your business will inherently move closer to aligning to the stringent requirements of calculation and auditing defined by CSRD, setting you up for success in a more sustainable future. Aligning with ISO 14083 isn't just about compliance; it's about a bigger picture of best practices.

What is Thrust Carbon Doing to Prepare?

At Thrust Carbon, we're committed to making your transition to ISO 14083 as seamless as possible. We're actively implementing the standard and working towards obtaining a statement of assurance and compliance from an ISO standards body. Our goal is to provide you the tools and support you need to automatically meet the new requirements.

How Can You Prepare?

The easiest thing would be to partner with us! We're collaborating with our partners, such as online booking tools (OBTs) and travel management companies (TMCs) to update their integrations and ensure they can receive our ISO 14083-compliant methodologies. This means you can confidently prepare for the future, knowing that Thrust Carbon is here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to get prepared for ISO 14083? Book a demo with us and we'll help you get started.

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