Thrust Data

The freshest and most complete sustainability datasets in the world. Accessible via flat files and scalable APIs. Premium data enrichment included.

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Hotel Properties

Hotel Properties


Data Refresh Frequency

Data Refresh Frequency

2 weeks

Flight Database (annual)

Flight Database (annual)


Embed best-in-class sustainability data directly into your products

90% of GDP is committed to Net Zero. Empower those buyers, travellers and consumers, by giving them the best data at every point of your service journey.

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Datasets for the whole of sustainability

Carbon Calculations

Access multi-methodology, personalisable carbon calculations for air, hotel, car, rail, taxi, rideshare, coach, bus, ferry, meals, and many more.

Recommendations and Intelligence

Localised sustainability suggestions, carbon pricing information, and carbon equivalencies. Customisable to your clients and their travellers.

Location, Property and Vendor Data

Sustainability data for every hotel property in the world, including certification, ranking rules, and EV availability datasets. Expanding to all travel modes soon.

Sustainability data behind $52bn of annual travel

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Save $50k and 12 months over other leading solutions

Enriching travel data is expensive, and supporting your customer's multi-methodology demands is hard, which is why other providers would rather sell you an offset. Thrust Carbon is the only solution designed to allow your business to focus on building great customer experiences.

64% of companies already have sustainability initiatives
64% of companies already have sustainability initiatives

The sooner you have great sustainability experiences, the sooner you can win more business, all while helping reduce the footprint of travel upon our planet.

60% of travel companies cite data as their biggest technology challenge
60% of travel companies cite data as their biggest technology challenge

Customers have differing methodology, personalisation and localisation requirements for sustainability data. Prevent future issues by choosing a partner with expertise in sustainability data.

Save months of development time

Data Enrichment as Standard

Data Enrichment as Standard

The best carbon calculations require the best inputs. Rather than requiring your developers to build multiple integrations, we enrich your inputs with data from OAG, ICAO and direct-feeds from travel vendors.

Every Methodology

Every Methodology

Every customer is different. Our default methodologies are best-in-class, but we also provide every methodology you can imagine. You can even load your own methodology.

Fast Enough for Point of Sale

Fast Enough for Point of Sale

Travellers already see our numbers at points of sale millions of times a day, thanks to our industry leading low latencies.

Data beyond carbon

Data beyond carbon

Access certification data, building eco-scores, sustainability indexes, EV charger availability*, carbon pricing, and more.

Book a demo with a Solution Consultant

Our team can advise best practices for sustainability data at point of sale, in TMC and third-party analytics solutions, and any other novel idea you have.

Learn More

Some of our customer's favourite features

Every Travel Mode

Calculate air, hotel, car, rail, bus, coach, tram, ferry, underground, taxi, rideshare, meetings, meals, and everything in between.

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Reporting & Intelligence

Don't just calculate footprints. Generate trip suggestions, personalised equivalencies, and carbon pricing information.

Hotel Sustainability Index (TC-HSI)

Turn qualitative data into a quantitative ranking of every hotel in the world, so you can dynamically rank property results in your system.

Map point
Map any location

Travel data is rarely consistent, which is why we support mapping with premium industry codes, coordinates, or even full addresses.

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Compliance Engine

Our multi-methodology compliance engine enables automated support of regional reporting rules and regulations.

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BYO Methodology

Support bespoke methodology requests by uploading methodology datasets so they are accessible to your customers.

EV Charging Data*

Enable your customer's electric switch, by accessing EV infrastructure information for hotels and airports. Launching Q2 2022. 

Enterprise Uptime and Datacenter Support

99.99% uptime as standard. Requests can be custom routed to any or all of 31 global datacenters.

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Leading Certification Data

Foster trust in sustainable properties, by showing third-party hotel and building certification information.

Ready to learn more?

Hotel Sustainability Index

Download the one-pager to learn more about TC-HSI, providing single ESG scores for over 1.6M hotels globally.


Thrust Advisory

Download the one-pager to learn more about how to get tailored guidance for your business.

Not ready to build your own integration?

All our tools already embed our best-in-class data so you and your clients can effortlessly measure your footprint, set carbon budgets, change employee behaviour, and set sustainable policies.

Thrust Calculator

Thrust Calculator

Automated data-feeds from your travel tools, to provide effortless carbon measurement and intelligence.

Thrust Calculator
Thrust Engage

Thrust Engage

Nudge employees to more sustainable behaviour, before booking, pre-trip and post-trip. With flexible customisation, messaging and dashboards.

Thrust Engage
Thrust Events

Thrust Events

Calculation, intelligence and beautiful reporting for large-scale meetings & events programs.

Thrust Events

Flexible Data Delivery

Low Latency APIs (recommended)

Access our data via our popular JSON APIs

$200 per 100k calculations (volume pricing available).


Regular Flat Files

CSV flat-files for direct import into your data systems.

From $1,000 / month

Book a call with a solutions consultant

Every business using our data has access to our developers and carbon impact analysts, to ensure you have the best possible customer solution.

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